Role of Vermicompost and Its importance in Plant Growth

What is Vermicompost? Worm manure, often known as vermicompost or earthworm castings, is a type of worm dung. Many horticulturists believe worm castings to be one of the best soil additives available. The nutrient level of castings is determined by the substance provided to the worms, and worms frequently eat extremely nutritious things like food […]

Is it true that your food is your medicine?

Research has established that dietary habits have a major influence on the risk of diseases. Thus, food has medicinal effects and offers strong protection against illness. Nutrients help in promoting health and creating immunity to fight diseases. Pharmaceutical drugs and supplements may help in faster recovery, but they come with associated additional side effects. These […]

Silage fodder and production at Bharatvarsh Nature Farm

Silage is a form of animal feed utilized by dairy producers worldwide. Silage is given to various livestock, including cows, buffaloes, sheep and goats as an alternate to green fodder. There is the biggest shortage of green fodder, then it is summer time and then in rainy season from July to October months, sufficient amount […]

Benefits of Drinking A2 Desi Gir Cow Milk

Cows of Indian Breeds only can produce A2 cow milk with A2 beta casein protein, and this milk commonly known in India as Desi Cow milk. Cow Milk comes in two types of beta-casein proteins to make things easier. A1 and A2 differ by a single amino acid in  beta-casein protein. A2 milk is produced […]

Indoor Plants that Clean the Air & Remove Toxins

Indoor air quality is a priority nowadays as removal of indoor toxins is necessity for a healthy home. Poor air quality is a risk to health and well-being. Indoor pollutants like volatile organic compounds, oxides of carbon, nitrogen, phenols, formaldehyde, disinfectants, etc. are quite common. These invisible toxins can affect health, causing ‘sick building syndrome. […]

Why you should switch over to A2 Gir Cow Milk?

Facts of A2 Milk A2 Cow Milk has been gaining popularity over A1 milk in recent times due to the following nutritional and health benefits: Rich source of protein – A2 beta casein Best nutrition for breastfeeding mothers Calcium and vitamin-rich Best for weight loss Healthy for Heart Easy to digest Excellent for kids Let’s […]

Benefits and Uses of Cow Urine – Gaumutra

The cow is considered a sacred animal in India and cow farming is seen as a sign of spirituality. Cow urine is known as Gaumutra is 100% pure, natural, and organic urine from desi cows. Cow urine is a great combination of compounds that can be used for a variety of things, including agriculture as […]

One day Outing at Bharatvarsh Nature Farm

We all need a getaway from our routine and demanding lives. All we want is some peace and a breath of fresh air. Nature has its unparalleled beauty. It can heal us in ways we may never understand. Nagpur is brimming with beautiful green woods and lovely lakes that are great for a day trip. […]

Know about Bharatvarsh Plant Nursery in Nagpur

A greener world is definitely a better world. The alarming rate of pollution, extremities related to climate and weather change, make us all turn to plants for rescue. More plants mean fresher air and a better environment. With time, people have become more environmentally conscious. They want to create their own green space and invest […]

Difference Between Regular Ghee and Bilona A2 Cow Ghee?

As children, we ate desi ghee on a regular basis. It was generously brushed on chapatis, atop rice, and rubbed and massaged into our skin and hair. It was thought to be the most delicious addition to our cuisine, blending well with it while also adding nutrition. It was also beneficial. However, in this urban […]