What is the Best Plant Nursery to visit in Nagpur?

Flourishing greenery is quite alluring. With time, people have realized how important plants are, not only for the environment but also for our aesthetic peace. Many people have developed gardening as a hobby and once you turn towards gardening, there is no looking back. You will go on countless visits to the nursery, looking for […]

Role of Vermicompost and Its importance in Plant Growth

What is Vermicompost? Worm manure, often known as vermicompost or earthworm castings, is a type of worm dung. Many horticulturists believe worm castings to be one of the best soil additives available. The nutrient level of castings is determined by the substance provided to the worms, and worms frequently eat extremely nutritious things like food […]

Indoor Plants that Clean the Air & Remove Toxins

Indoor air quality is a priority nowadays as removal of indoor toxins is necessity for a healthy home. Poor air quality is a risk to health and well-being. Indoor pollutants like volatile organic compounds, oxides of carbon, nitrogen, phenols, formaldehyde, disinfectants, etc. are quite common. These invisible toxins can affect health, causing ‘sick building syndrome. […]

Know about Bharatvarsh Plant Nursery in Nagpur

A greener world is definitely a better world. The alarming rate of pollution, extremities related to climate and weather change, make us all turn to plants for rescue. More plants mean fresher air and a better environment. With time, people have become more environmentally conscious. They want to create their own green space and invest […]

Top Gardening tips for this Monsoon

Everyone in India eagerly awaits the monsoon season, which begins in late June. The cloudy sky, the first rain and the smell of moist earth are indescribably pleasant. The cool, moist air of the monsoon pervades the whole area.Long nature showers, a nice wind is a moment to relax for us and is also a […]

Terrace Gardening / Rooftop Gardening – Everything You Need to Know

The crowding of cities has left no space for gardens. On the top of it, the climate change and rising pollution level makes the matter worse. The absence of greenery has also added to the exhausting city life. To overcome the constraint of space, urban dwellers have been resorting to terrace garden or rooftop gardening […]

How to protect plants in the rainy season?

People and plants both like the monsoon (rainy season). Monsoon season is known to alter different emotions in people. It is also the most fantastic time to enjoy the gorgeous colors in the garden, balcony, and so on. The Monsoon season is a happy time of year for gardeners who like seeing their plants develop […]

Guide to produce Vermicompost – Bharatvarsh Nature Farms

  With the globe becoming more environmentally aware, and everything from agriculture to agriculture and gardening experiencing a significant renaissance, compost reigns supreme. However, you are not required to work alone. With the aid of some wriggly little buddies, you can create a final product that is highly effective and pocket friendly, as well as […]

What are the Medicinal Plants to grow at home?

Have you ever seen your grandmother scurrying after a doctor or a medical shop now and then? There are quite a few medicinal plants in traditional medicine that are used to treat coughs, colds, fevers, burns and cuts, wounds, and other essential health care disorders. Herbal plants provide natural compounds that have been used to […]

Tips for making vermicompost at home

Vermicomposting is the scientific method of making compost, by using earthworms. They are commonly found living in soil and they are known toincrease soil quality by recycling organic waste from many living forms into humus. Earthworms feed on the organic waste materials and give out excreta in the form of “vermicasts” that are rich in […]