Top Gardening tips for this Monsoon

Everyone in India eagerly awaits the monsoon season, which begins in late June. The cloudy sky, the first rain and the smell of moist earth are indescribably pleasant. The cool, moist air of the monsoon pervades the whole area.Long nature showers, a nice wind is a moment to relax for us and is also a […]

How to protect plants in the rainy season?

People and plants both like the monsoon (rainy season). Monsoon season is known to alter different emotions in people. It is also the most fantastic time to enjoy the gorgeous colors in the garden, balcony, and so on. The Monsoon season is a happy time of year for gardeners who like seeing their plants develop […]

What are the Medicinal Plants to grow at home?

Have you ever seen your grandmother scurrying after a doctor or a medical shop now and then? There are quite a few medicinal plants in traditional medicine that are used to treat coughs, colds, fevers, burns and cuts, wounds, and other essential health care disorders. Herbal plants provide natural compounds that have been used to […]


Bharatvarsh has also come up with a unique concept of a vertical home garden for nature lovers. The whole idea is to make the nature a part of your daily ..